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Writer's picturePastor Michelle

Stay on the Path

Updated: Mar 30, 2020

Psalm 16:7-11

“I bless the Lord who gives me counsel; in the night also my heart instructs me. I have set the Lord always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad, and my whole being rejoices; my flesh also dwells secure. For you will not abandon my soul to Sheol, or let your holy one see corruption. You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.”

One of my favorite rides at Six Flags is the Monster Plantation. This ride is a low-scare kid’s ride where you get in a “boat” and drift through the Monster Plantation (only in the South would we have a ride such as this). As you drift along, you see all the different monsters being silly and acting mischievously. Yet as the ride approaches the end, your boat turns unexpectedly down a dark path. The local Monster sheriff is there warning you to not go this way because it’s dangerous and no humans are allowed...but your cart is not steered by you, so down this dark and scary way you go. It’s creepy and dark. There are red eyes that blink at you from the dark. Spooky fog rolls through the air. Just when you think you are in the clear (spoilers), a giant monster comes out of nowhere and seemingly eats you and your entire boat. Yet you pass through its mouth as the boat drifts back outside of the mansion, concluding the ride. It was a fun ride then and it is a fun ride now. Even when I go to Six Flags with adult friends, we stand in line for an hour to ride this goofy 2-4 minute ride.

Here in David’s Psalm, he thanks God for guarding over his days and leading him on a path of life. His counsel comes from the Lord and he sets God before himself. He is guided by the Lord and seeks His ways. As a result, David finds peace and comfort because he knows who guides His life. This is good advice. As we navigate the waters of life, we would do well to have God in our boat. As a child, I was not overwhelmed by the Monster Plantation because my parents were in the boat with me, assuring me all would be well. Who is in your boat? Do you pursue the Lord daily and keep Him close to you? Do you seek His wisdom? Is your joy in His presence or in other things? As you go about your days, pursue the Lord. May He be at your right hand. May you be blessed as you seek His counsel. May you find joy in all circumstances because you are reassured by the loving hand of your heavenly Father. Stay in His path; walk in His ways.

Awesome God, the One who conquers over the grave, we need you in our lives. We need you in our boat, guiding us in the Way that leads to life eternal. Help us to make You, Your guidance and Your ways a priority in our lives. Guide us in Your truth, that our lives may be filled with peace and rejoicing. Amen.

See you at church,

Pastor Michelle

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